{JAM} Mumford and Sons: The Cave

Happy Monday y’all! As we speak, I am making my way from Georgia with my mom and my 86 year old grandmother to the west coast of Ireland. Surprise!

After D’daddy’s passing earlier this year, Memommy (who knows where I came up with these names) boldly stated that she wanted to go to Ireland. She had applied for a passport while I was living in Germany, but was unable to come visit since she was consumed with D’daddy’s care as she had been for 10 years. While D’daddy’s passing was devastating, we look at things like this and are encouraged that she is starting to truly live life again. Obviously, my mom and I wanted to make this happen for her.

I am blown away by her adventuring spirit. To want to venture out of the country for the first time at 86 years old and desire to experience another culture…I hope I’m still half as spunky at 86.

We’ll be adventuring in the Irish countryside all week checking out the Cliffs of Moher, the Blarney Stone, the Dingle Peninsula, and the Ring of Kerry, so be sure you’re following us on Instagram to see more pretty than you can even handle. Of course, you could always just listen to Mumford and Sons and pretend you’re there with us.

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